These are travel agencies ins..."> These are travel agencies ins..." /> These are travel agencies ins..." /> contact us: (+237) 222 46 23 24 en FrançaisEnglish Online procedures Your urban community Your territory Projects The assets of the territory My urban community The cities The Urban Community in figures The docuument Mayor's editorial Political organization The community council Commissions Sessions of community bodies Administrative organization The service organization chart Budgets Public markets CUK grants and support policies Citizen participation Public inquiries The development board Live and Dwell Accommodate me Improve my habitat Apply for social housing Build and renovate Consult the local intermunicipal urban plan Obtaining planning permission Urban renewal projects The Local Intermunicipal Advertising Regulations Environment / nature Biodiversity Agriculture Culture, sport and tourism My sports equipment Culture for all To visit Educational actions Be moved The motorcycle By bus Parking Bus networks By car Car parks and parking areas Entrepreneurship Notable companies Remarkable companies Sectors of excellence The training address book My business plan Create and resume my activity Grow my business Hotels and business incubators Administration of the economic fabric Explore business networks CUK meetings The Entrepreneur's Award Outings diary By bus Home Be moved By bus By bus These are travel agencies installed in Kribi. There are 07 travel agencies in operation and 01 not in operation. They serve the districts of the Ocean department and the towns of Douala, Edéa, Yaoundé, Bafoussam, Dschang and Bagangté. Parking Bus networks
These are travel agencies installed in Kribi. There are 07 travel agencies in operation and 01 not in operation. They serve the districts of the Ocean department and the towns of Douala, Edéa, Yaoundé, Bafoussam, Dschang and Bagangté.